Guests reveal their ReChoice word. ReChoice - to name a valuable insight, to joyfully embrace a new perspective and commit to it. Rather than being stuck on repeat or rehash, do a rewrite and move forward. What is YOUR ReChoice word?
REIGNITE with Mark Pellerito - Fighting Epic Fires in CA and Australia with the National Weather Service
This starts with hilarity and then gets emotional -- Mark worked the largest fire in California History during a pandemic. Just before COVID, he was shipped to Australia during their hottest day on record to help fight dry fires of epic proportions. Weeks of pressure culminates into breaking down in front of hundreds of middle schoolers -- What happened? I'm proud of my Brother and you don't want to miss this.
"Shipped off somewhere... and dropped in the middle... and I am suddenly the weather expert for that piece of ground I've never been to... and if I'm wrong, they might be put in harm's way."
The Simpsons Birthday Clip
Mark's first episode: RELOCATE