Guests reveal their ReChoice word. ReChoice - to name a valuable insight, to joyfully embrace a new perspective and commit to it. Rather than being stuck on repeat or rehash, do a rewrite and move forward. What is YOUR ReChoice word?
RECONNECT with Brian Anderson - Walter White vs. Fred Rogers - Emotional Courage - Fathering Together
What can Walter White from Breaking Bad teach us? According to Fred Rogers, all children need to feel heard and loved, and difficult topics should be embraced rather than avoided.
Just in time for Father's Day, Brian Anderson spells out the origin and purpose of "Fathering Together", a non-profit reconnecting fathers to their purpose and to each other.
Bio: Brian Anderson is a husband, father, and gender equity advocate. In his professional life, he's the Grants Manager for i.c.stars. His side hustles and projects include being the Co-Founder and Board President of Fathering Together where he writes and speaks on the importance of dads living connected lives. He's worked with dozens of companies and hundreds of dads to translate their professional skills into home-life strategies. In his personal life, you can find him building Lego structures, cooking, and writing stories with his two daughters. In September 2022, he published his first book, Fathering Together: Living a Connected Dad Life, which lays out servant leadership as a model for fatherhood. Learn more about Brian at www.theconnecteddad.life
Fathering Together = www.fatheringtogether.org
They're on a mission to empower dads to be agents for positive change and to live emotionally courageous, connected and committed to their families.
Father's Friday = www.fathersfriday.org
Every Friday go to Fathering Together's Youtube Channel (@fatheringtogether) for their latest panel on strategies to improve mental health, connect with kids, and advocate for change.